CHICAGO (May 2021) – The South East Chicago Commission (SECC), in partnership with the Special Service Area #61 known as Downtown Hyde Park Chicago, will introduce a completely refreshed Hyde Park Farmers Market after the 2020 hiatus. The Hyde Park Farmers Market will be held each Sunday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at its new location on 54th Street and Old Lake Park Ave West in the Hyde Park Bank parking lot.
SECC is pleased to welcome Ticina Williams as the new market manager. As a seasoned entrepreneur with personal connections to the surrounding community, Williams brings a wealth of experience to her new role. She is the founder of Creativiti Custom Designs and Events, a full-service event planning, and party supply company, whose mission is to empower clients to successfully plan, and manage a myriad of projects or style personalized events featuring products and services created and curated exclusively by the brand. Williams graduated from Chicago State University with a degree in Business Administration/Management.

Williams is passionate about serving the community, which led her to start volunteering at SECC five years ago with special projects like the SECC’s “A Night at the Theatre” fundraising gala, marching in the 4th on 53rd Parade and coordinating small business engagement on Small Business Saturday. Williams is motivated to reframe equitable development which includes researching and developing sustainable solutions to provide access to fresh and nutritious food options for greater midsouth Chicago and the surrounding communities. The Hyde Park Farmers Market begins with the grand opening on Sunday, June 13 and the season continues through Sunday, September 26, 2021.
Fans of the Hyde Park Farmers Market can follow on FACEBOOK to receive updates on new vendors, arts and culture demonstrations and special promotions. #HPFM2021